FREE Lifesaver Verse for Your Grief
Courtney Williams | Unlocking Joy
As you’re walking through your grief journey, it’s important to have a verse that you can cling to. A verse that, when hard situations come up, you can repeat over and over again. This verse will literally keep you from drowning in your grief.
(That’s why I call it a lifesaver verse!)
This printable will help you find yours.
What's inside:
- PDF printable full of verses you can use for your lifesaver verse.
How to use this printable:
- Read through the verses and see which one sticks out to you. This is your verse!
- Repeat it over and over again every time a wave of grief hits you.
This is totally free to download. Just enter "0" at checkout. However, any donations are greatly appreciated! Blessings to you!
You will receive a pdf file containing the lifesaver verse printable.
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